Even if we are dealing with the same product, sometimes minor differences can be noticed between different batches. These changes mainly include differences in the color of the cosmetic and its fragrance.

Below, we will explain where these differences come from and why they should not raise concerns…And are actually a positive “symptom” of the cosmetic which we use.

Natural factors

If the composition of the cosmetic contains natural extracts of plant origin, we must take into account that these small differences will occur. 

The higher the concentration of extracts in the cosmetic, the higher the chance that individual batches will slightly differ in the color shade of the cream or the intensity of the fragrance.

Why? The answer is simple – these changes are determined by nature.

In one year we have a lot of sunny days and little rainfall, and the next year will be rainy and not very sunny…  The conditions in which plants grow determine quality of the harvest and, as a result affect the intensity of the shade and smell of the obtained plant extracts.

As you can see, not all small changes that we notice when we buy new packages of our favorite cosmetic are something bad. In this case, it only proves that we use a good quality product that contains a lot of natural extracts that our skin appreciates so much.